ISSN: 1857-9000 (printed version)
EISSN: 1857-9019 (electronic version)
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (2017): 5.416
1. | Classification of multiple numerical attributes in ArcGIS environment Kristina KASTREVA and Penka KASTREVA UDC: 519.85:004.6]:[528.9:616.83(497.2) |
7 |
2. | Developments of cartography in Albania Pal NIKOLLI UDC: 528.9(496.5) |
19 |
3. | Contemporary architecture in seismic zones, concepts and realizations Enis JAKUPI and Erda BESIMI UDC: 72.036:550.349 |
31 |
4. | The growth of rubber in the perspective of geomorphology and soil characteristics in Jember Indonesia Dwi Lestari, Erika Yulinda, Riki Alfa Robby, Muhammad Fajar Septarianto, Cindy Eka Pratiwi, and Edy Tri Mahendra UDC: 633.912.11-14(594) |
41 |
5. | The planning of the first and second order relative gravimetric networks for the territory of the Republic of Albania Fitore BAJRAMI LUBISHTANI and Bashkim IDRIZI UDC: 528.27(496.5) |
54 |
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FUNDER of Issues 14 and 15 – Year 2020:
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of North Macedonia
Annual program for financing projects of national interest in culture in the field of publishing activities for year 2020
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www.kultura.gov.mk; info@kultura.gov.mk

South-East European Research Institute on Geo Sciences
“Geo-SEE Institute”
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